How are you my friend?

**Opens door**

**Turns on the light switch**

**Picks up broom**

**dusts off cobwebs**

Hello darling bloghearts, it’s been a HOT minute!

How are you? Me? I’d love to say I’m fine. If I’m being honest with myself, I am actually FINE or so it seems as everything seems to be going on well, my health has been perfect- Glory to Jesus! My family? Everyone is doing great? My relationship(s)? Awesome so far by the grace of God😌, my needs? All divinely met like literally EVERYTHING is going on fine but I do not feel fine so what exactly could be the problem?

So let me give you update on what has been happening in this UniqueBreed’s life since the last time I was here-

1. I transitioned into Tech. I moved from customer-centric roles that I was a guru at to become a JJC in tech. I currently work as a Technical writer and Business Analyst in Nigeria’s number one Financial Switch. Y’all, writing that used to come to me naturally before is what has now become somewhat of a struggle, send help!!😭😩

2. Like transitioning into Tech wasn’t challenging enough, your favorite Strong woman took the craziest decision ever and went back to Medical School!🙄🙄 Not just any medical school, MEDILAG!!! The same place that showed me shege just a few years ago, I went back to subscribe for Shege Pro-Max and got myself admitted again for M.Sc😒. To be honest, even me I don’t know who sent me message🫠

3. I turned 30!!💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽 This one I am particularly excited about and I wish I knew exactly why or what exactly is exciting me about turning 30 but I just know I’ve been over my twenties since I turned 27, I just couldn’t wait to be 30 and I am so looking forward to everything that my thirties would bring😁.

So for me, I am fine, I’m doing great except for the occasional burn outs I experience as a result of my attempt to combine building a career a Tech and in HealthCare simultaneously as well as juggling other responsibilities and life challenges but what I really want to know is you- How are you doing? Amidst all the relocation challenges, settling into a new home/family or career? Fuel subsidy removal, political instability, financial burdens, health challenges, wars and rumors of wars. HOW ARE YOU REALLY DOING?

This is me sending you hugs and encouraging you to take mental health breaks as much as you can, you deserve it! You are enough! You are giving life your best shot and you deserve to be celebrated! Buy yourself that thing that you love, sometimes allow yourself indulge (not everytime delayed gratification😒🤭) enjoy life while you can, go to the beach, attend that concert, shutdown your laptop and watch your favorite TV show.

You have worked hard, maybe take some time to actually LIVE! Enjoy your life, visit your friends and family, take that vacation, go on that honeymoon, turn up your speakers to the loudest, PLAY your favorite SONGS.

Everything will fall into place, remember Glow Jacobs loves you and I’m rooting for you but guess who loves you more and has a bright future planned for you?

Yup!! You guessed it! JESUS LOVES YOU!

Till I find time to write you another love letter,

Here’s a beautiful smile from your favorite lazy blog heart

Published by Glow Jacobs

Hi, I am Jacobs-Soetan, Gloria Olufunke popularly known as PortableGlow or GLOW JACOBS! I believe 1PET2:9 describes me better! I am a Word freak!! I take delight in the written and spoken word of God and I would be sharing some of that with you here on my blog, afterall, the BIBLE is Blessed Information Bringing Life Eternal! I am also a virginity and chastity preacher, I believe in sexual purity, I teach it and I live it! I also believe in the Zoe! You can have it all. A great life here on earth and a greater one in eternity. Come take a ride with me.

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